
U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority

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Ode to an Ethical New Year


Ode to an Ethical New Year
Should rules of conduct be forgot
And never brought to mind.
Consider this -  it means a lot
To stay out of a bind.
For now is sleigh bell time, of course
So eat and drink a ‘plenty
But gifts from any outside source.
Cannot exceed a twenty.
A gift exchange between good pals
Who happen to be Feds.
Comports with ethics principles
And won’t turn any heads.
To gift a boss you think is swell
Some chocolates, or a pen.
Is nice to do, but I retell
The maximum is ten.
Modest snacks like joe or cheese
We do not deem a gift
So take as many as you please,
Enjoy your caffeine lift.
And if an invitation to
An open house you snag
Follow your inclination to
Accept - if it’s a WAG*
And if a contractor’s soiree
Is open to the masses
And not just the FLRA
Ethics-wise, it passes.
Should rules of conduct be opaque.
Check with your DAEO here.
And have a merry Christmas break
And fabulous New Year.
*Acronym for widely attended gathering.