Authority Decisions

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Displaying 10271 - 10280 of 10404
Citation # Issuance # Issuance Date Case # Arbitrator
Citation #
02 FLRA 115
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Great Lakes Program Service Center, Chicago, Illinois (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1395, AFL-CIO (Complainant) 
Citation #
02 FLRA 110
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 21, 1979
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1857 and Sacramento Air Logistics Center, McClellan Air Force Base
Citation #
02 FLRA 105
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 15, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-172
HTML Internal Revenue Service, Buffalo District and National Treasury Employees Union, Chapter 59 
Citation #
02 FLRA 99
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 15, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-120
HTML Veterans Administration Hospital, Dallas, Texas and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2347 
Citation #
02 FLRA 82
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 15, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-29
HTML National Treasury Employees Union (Union) and U.S. Customs Service, Region IX (Activity)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 54
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 02, 1979
Case #
71-4280(CA), 71-4333(CA)
HTML Department of the Navy, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington (Respondent) and Bremerton Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 40
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 02, 1979
Case #
HTML Bureau of Government Financial Operations (Respondent) and National Treasury Employees Union (Complainant)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 38
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 02, 1979
Case #
HTML Social Security Administration, Headquarters Bureaus and Offices in Baltimore and SSA Local 1923, American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO
Citation #
02 FLRA 33
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 02, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-50
HTML Federal Aviation Administration, Oakland ARTCC and Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization 
Citation #
02 FLRA 30
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 02, 1979
Case #
HTML National Federation of Federal Employees, Anadarko and Muskogee Area Council and Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Muskogee Area Office, Oklahoma 


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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.

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