Authority Decisions

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Displaying 10141 - 10150 of 10404
Citation # Issuance # Issuance Date Case # Arbitrator
Citation #
03 FLRA 175
Issuance #
Issuance Date
May. 08, 1980
Case #
HTML General Services Administration, Region 4, Atlanta, Georgia (Activity) and National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1766 (Petitioner) 
Citation #
03 FLRA 153
Issuance #
Issuance Date
May. 08, 1980
Case #
HTML General Services Administration, Region 9, Federal Protective Service Division, San Francisco, California (Respondent) and International Federation of Federal Police, Local 41 (Complainant) 
Citation #
03 FLRA 146
Issuance #
Issuance Date
May. 08, 1980
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-104
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2814 (Union) and Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation (Activity) 
Citation #
03 FLRA 142
Issuance #
Issuance Date
May. 08, 1980
Case #
HTML National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1624 (Labor Organization) and Air Force Contract Management Division, Hagerstown, Maryland (Activity)  
Citation #
03 FLRA 138
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 25, 1980
Case #
HTML Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Region 7, San Francisco, CA (Activity) and Council of Federal Mediators, Region 7 (Petitioner)  
Citation #
03 FLRA 118
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 28, 1980
Case #
HTML Aircraft Fire and Rescue Division, Air Operations Department, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2255, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  
Citation #
03 FLRA 112
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 28, 1980
Case #
HTML Department of the Air Force, 6th Missile Warning Squadron, Otis Air Force Base, Massachusetts (Activity)  and American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO (Petitioner) and National Association of Government Employees, Local R1-54 (Intervenor)  
Citation #
03 FLRA 109
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 28, 1980
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 2578 and General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service 
Citation #
03 FLRA 92
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 28, 1980
Case #
HTML Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Respondent) and International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local One (Complainant)  
Citation #
03 FLRA 88
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Apr. 28, 1980
Case #
HTML National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1451 (Labor Organization) and Naval Training Center, Orlando, Florida (Activity)  


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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.

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