Authority Decisions

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Displaying 10261 - 10270 of 10404
Citation # Issuance # Issuance Date Case # Arbitrator
Citation #
02 FLRA 196
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Dec. 05, 1979
Case #
HTML California National Guard, Fresno Air National Guard Base, Fresno, California and Local R12-105, National Association of Government Employees
Citation #
02 FLRA 191
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Dec. 05, 1979
Case #
HTML State of California National Guard, Sacramento, California and Locals R12-125, R12-132, R12-146 and R12-150, National Association of Government Employees
Citation #
02 FLRA 186
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Dec. 05, 1979
Case #
HTML State of New York, Division of Military and Naval Affairs and New York Council, Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc.
Citation #
02 FLRA 182
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Dec. 05, 1979
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 1931, and Department of the Navy, Naval Weapons Station, Concord, California
Citation #
02 FLRA 170
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML Environment Protection Agency and Environmental Protection Agency, Region III (Respondents) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 3631, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 165
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-173
HTML Department of the Air Force, McGuire Air Force Base and American Federation of Government Employees, Local No. 1778
Citation #
02 FLRA 153
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 1999 (Union) and Army-Air Force Exchange Service, Dix-McGuire Exchange, Fort Dix, New Jersey (Activity) 
Citation #
02 FLRA 148
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML National Treasury Employees Union, Chapters 103 and 111 (Union) and U.S. Customs Service, Region VII (Activity)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 138
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML 4392 Aerospace Support Group, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, Department of the Air Force (Respondent) and National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1001 (Complainant)  
Citation #
02 FLRA 126
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Nov. 29, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of the Air Force, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center, Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma (Respondent) and Local 916, American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  


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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.

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