Case No. WA-CO-50307
Michelle Ledina, Esquire For the General Counsel
Mr. Samuel Williams For the Respondent
Before: WILLIAM B. DEVANEY Administrative Law Judge
This proceeding, under the Federal Service Labor-Management
Relations Statute, Chapter 71 of Title 5 of the United States Code,
5 U.S.C. § 7101, et seq. (1), and the Rules
and Regulations issued thereunder, 5 C.F.R. § 2423.1, et seq., concerns whether
Respondent violated the Statute when the members of Local 734 voted
to deny Stephen F. Squires member-ship for reasons other than the
failure to meet reasonable occupational standards uniformly
required or the failure to tender dues uniformly required. For
reasons set forth hereinafter, I find that Local 734 violated the
Statute as charged in the Complaint.
This case was initiated by a charge filed on March 13, 1995,
(G.C. Exh. 1(a)); the Complaint and Notice of Hearing issued on May
16, 1996; and set the hearing for August 22, 1996, pursuant to
which a hearing was duly held on August 22, 1996, in Norfolk,
Virginia, before the undersigned. All parties were represented at
the hearing, were afforded full opportunity to be heard and to
introduce evidence bearing on the issues involved. At the
conclusion of the testimony, I stated that, inasmuch as there was
no dispute as to any material fact, I intended to grant General
Counsel's Motion For Summary Judgment (Tr. 24), unless Respondent
persuaded me to the contrary and Respondent was invited to file a
post-hearing Brief in opposition to the Motion For Summary Judgment
(Tr. 24-25); directed General Counsel to submit proposed findings
and conclusions of law; and fixed September 4, 1996, as the date
for mailing proposed findings and conclusions of law and any
post-hearing Brief by Respondent (Tr. 26). General Counsel failed
to file proposed findings and conclusions of law, as directed, but
did timely file on September 4, 1996, a Memorandum in Support of
Motion For Summary Judgment. Respondent did not timely file a
response; however, the Metal Trades Department on September 10,
1996, mailed, ". . . opposition to the General Counsel's Memorandum
in Support for Summary Judgment. . . ." This opposition was
received on September 19, 1996. Because the opposition was untimely
it is rejected and has not been considered for any purpose.
The Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council
is the exclusive representative of certain employees of the Norfolk
Naval Shipyard (hereinafter, "Council"). The International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 734 ("Local 734"), is a
constituent of the Council (Tr. 14) and an agent of the Council for
the purpose of representing employees of the electrical craft at
the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. General Counsel made clear at the
hearing that the Council is not charged with any violation (Tr.
14-15); however, Respondent, Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees
Metal Trades Council, International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, Local 734, is charged with violating the Statute.
Mr. Stephen F. Squires, Junior, has been employed by the
Norfolk Naval Shipyard as an electrician for 14 years and is in the
bargaining unit represented by Local 734 (Tr. 10). Mr. Squires had
been a member of Local 734 and served as a steward (Tr. 11, 16);
however, in late 1989, Mr. Squires terminated his membership in
Local 734 (G.C. Exh. 2; Tr. 11). In 1993 or 1994 (Tr. 18, 19), the
United Association of Federal Employees (UAFE) challenged the
Council as exclusive representative and Mr. Squires was an
alternate observer for UAFE at the election (G.C. Exh. 1(c);
Enclosure 2; Tr. 12, 19); but did not campaign for UAFE (Tr.
16-17); did not attend any organizational meetings of UAFE (Tr.
17); and was not "in line" to be an officer or representative of
UAFE (Tr. 17).
On October 18, 1994, Mr. Squires signed a Standard Form 1187,
"Request For Payroll Deductions For Labor Organization Dues" (G.C.
Exh. 3) and an IBEW "Obligation of I.B.E.W." [application for
membership] (G.C. Exh. 4; Tr. 12, 13); but his membership
application was rejected (Tr. 14, 15). Mr. Samuel L. Williams,
President of Local 734, in a letter dated June 10, 1996,
represented that Mr. Squires' application had been rejected on
January 4, 1995, by the membership because Mr. Squires, ". . .
during the challenge election between the Tidewater Virginia
Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO, and the U.A.F.E.,
. . . worked as a U.A.F.E. supporter and a listed observer for the
election process . . . The membership considered that . . . [Mr.
Squires'] 'good character' within our Constitution has not been
advanced by same. . . ." (G.C. Exh. 1(c); Tr. 9, 19).
§ 16(c) of the Statute provides,
"(c) For the purpose of this chapter it shall be an unfair
labor practice for an exclusive representative to
deny membership to any employee in the appropriate unit represented by such exclusive representative
except for failure--
"(1) to meet reasonable occupational standards uniformly required for admission, or
"(2) to tender dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring and retaining membership." (5
U.S.C. § 7116(c)).
The Authority consistently has held that § 16(c) means precisely
what it says and that a labor organization violates §§ 16(b)(1) and
(8) of the Statute, if it denies membership for any reason except
failure to meet reasonable occupational standards or failure to
tender dues, as set forth in § 16(c). American
Federation of Government Employees, Local 987, Warner Robins,
Georgia and Nedra T. Bradley, 46 FLRA 1048 (1992),
enf'd. No. 93-8222 (11th Cir. Jan. 28,
1994); American Federation of Government
Employees, Local 2344, AFL-CIO and Carol Ramey, 45 FLRA 1004
(1992), enf'd. No. 92-1560 D.C. Cir. Jan.
31, 1994).
Mr. Squires tendered dues uniformly required as a condition of
acquiring and retaining membership by submitting a Form 1187 and he
met all occupational standards uniformly required for admission.
Further, Mr. Squires submitted the required application for
membership, i.e. the signed, "Obligation of
I.B.E.W.". Local 734 by denying him membership for a reason other
than the failure to meet reasonable occupational standards or the
failure to tender dues, as set forth in § 16(c) of the Statute,
violated §§ 16(b)(1) and (8) of the Statute. I fully agree with
General Counsel that, "There is no merit to the Respondent's
contention that its constitution provides an acceptable basis for
denying membership . . . . The record shows that the Charging Party
was not a member . . . during the time of the rival union's
organizational efforts to decertify . . . and, therefore, was not
subject to the Respondent's constitution. . . ." (General Counsel's
Memorandum, p. 4).
There being no genuine issue of fact, General Counsel's Motion
For Summary Judgment is granted and it is recommended that the
Authority adopt the following:
Pursuant to § 2423.29 of the Authority's Rules and Regulations, 5 C.F.R. § 2423.29, and § 18 of the Statute, 5 U.S.C. § 7118, it is hereby ordered that the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 734, shall:
1. Cease and desist from:
(a) Denying membership to Stephen F. Squires, Jr., or
any other eligible employee in the exclusive collective bargaining
unit represented by the Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal
Trades Council, except for failure (1) to meet reasonable
occupational standards uniformly required for admission, or (2) to
tender dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring and
retaining membership.
(b) In any like or related manner interfering with,
restraining, or coercing any employee in the exercise of any right
assured under the Statute.
2. Take the following affirmative action in order to effectuate
the purposes and policies of the Statute:
(a) Process, upon his request, Stephen F. Squires,
Jr.'s Request For Payroll Deductions For Labor Organization Dues,
Form SF-1187, and, upon his request, admit Stephen F. Squires, Jr.
to membership in IBEW, Local 734.
(b) Post at the business office of the Tidewater
Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, at the business of
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 734, and
in all normal meeting places, including all places where notices to
members of, and unit employees exclusively represented by, the
Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, are
customarily posted, copies of the attached Notice on forms to be
furnished by the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Upon receipt of
such forms, they shall be signed by the President of IBEW, Local
734, and shall be posted and maintained for 60 consecu-tive days
thereafter, in conspicuous places, including all bulletin boards
and other places where Notices to employees are customarily posted.
Reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that such notices are not
altered, defaced, or covered by any other material.
(c) Submit signed copies of said Notice to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for posting in conspicuous places throughout the Shipyard where employees represented by the Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council are located, where they shall be maintained for 60 consecutive days from the date of posting.
(d) Pursuant to § 2423.30 of the Authority's Rules and
Regulations, 5 C.F.R. § 2423.30, the President of IBEW Local 734,
shall notify the Regional Director, Washington Regional, Federal
Labor Relations Authority, 1255 22nd Street, NW, 4th Floor,
Washington, DC 20037-1206, in writing, within 30 days from the date
of this Order, as to what steps have been taken to comply
Administrative Law Judge
Dated: October 31, 1996
Washington, DC
The Federal Labor Relations Authority has found that Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 734, violated the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and has ordered us to post and abide by this notice.
WE WILL NOT deny membership in IBEW Local 734 to Stephen F.
Squires, Jr., or to any other eligible employee in the exclusive
bargaining unit representated by the Tidewater Virginia Federal
Employees Metal Trades Council, except for failure (1) to meet
reasonable occupational standards uniformly required for admission,
or (2) to tender dues uniformly required as a condition of
acquiring and retaining membership.
WE WILL NOT in any like or related manner interfere with, restrain,
or coerce any employee in the exercise of any right assured by the
Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute.
WE WILL, upon his request, process Stephen F. Squires, Jr.'s
Request For Payroll Deductions For Labor Organization Dues, Form
WE WILL, upon his request, admit Stephen F. Squires, Jr. to
membership in IBEW Local 734.
Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees
Metal Trades Council, International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 734
Date: ______________________ By: __________________________________
(Signature) (Title)
This Notice must remain posted for 60 consecutive days from the
date of posting and must not be altered, defaced or covered by any
other material.
If employees have any questions concerning this Notice, or
compliance with any of its provisions, they may communicate
directly with the Regional Director, Washington Region, Federal
Labor Relations Authority, whose address is: 1255 22nd Street, NW,
4th Floor, Washington, DC 20037-1206, and whose telephone number
is: (202) 653-8500.
1. For convenience of reference, sections of the Statute hereinafter are, also, referred to without inclusion of the initial "71" of the statutory reference, i.e., Section 7116(b)(1) will be referred to, simply, as, "16(b)(1)".