Authority Decisions
Case digests provide a brief synopsis of the most pertinent principles in merits decisions issued by the Authority.
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Citation # | Issuance # | Issuance Date | Case # | Arbitrator |
Citation # 01 FLRA 445 |
Issuance # 54 |
Issuance Date Jun. 11, 1979 |
Case # 50-17054(CA) |
HTML | Illinois Air National Guard, 182nd Tactical Air Support Group, Springfield, Illinois (Respondent) and Illinois Air Chapter, Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc. (ACT) (Complainant) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 430 |
Issuance # 53 |
Issuance Date Jun. 11, 1979 |
Case # 41-6316(CU/AC) |
HTML | USA Darcom Materiel Readiness, Support Activity (MRSA), Lexington, Kentucky (Activity-Petitioner) and Local 894, American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO (Labor Organization) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 427 |
Issuance # 52 |
Issuance Date Jun. 11, 1979 |
Case # 53-10541(CA) |
HTML | Air Force Logistics Command, Department of the Air Force, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 423 |
Issuance # 51 |
Issuance Date Jun. 11, 1979 |
Case # 0-AS-4 |
HTML | Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration, SSA Cincinnati, Ohio and SSA Covington, Kentucky | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 419 |
Issuance # 50 |
Issuance Date Jun. 11, 1979 |
Case # 0-AS-1 |
HTML | Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Bureau of Hearings and Appeals, Region II, San Juan, Puerto Rico | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 398 |
Issuance # 49 |
Issuance Date Jun. 06, 1979 |
Case # 31-11459(CA) |
HTML | Department of the Treasury, U.S. Customs Service, Region I, Boston, Massachusetts (Respondent) and National Treasury Employees Union and NTEU Chapter Nos. 133, 138, 141, 142, 148, 154, 181 and 184 (Complainants) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 384 |
Issuance # 48 |
Issuance Date Jun. 06, 1979 |
Case # 64-4038(CA) |
HTML | Veterans Administration Hospital, Shreveport, Louisiana (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2000, AFL-CIO (Complainant) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 378 |
Issuance # 47 |
Issuance Date Jun. 04, 1979 |
Case # 22-8568(CA) |
HTML | Navy Public Works Center, U.S. Navy (Respondent) and Louis T. Faison (Complainant) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 367 |
Issuance # 46 |
Issuance Date May. 30, 1979 |
Case # 22-08567(CO) |
HTML | Tidewater Virginia Federal Employees, Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO (Respondent) and Louis T. Faison (Complainant) | |||
Citation # 01 FLRA 362 |
Issuance # 45 |
Issuance Date May. 30, 1979 |
Case # FLRC No. 78A-183 |
HTML | Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Navajo Area Indian Health Service, Tuba City, Arizona |
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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.
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