Authority Decisions

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Displaying 10331 - 10340 of 10404
Citation # Issuance # Issuance Date Case # Arbitrator
Citation #
01 FLRA 669
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 20, 1979
Case #
22-09043(RO); 22-09093 (RO)
HTML U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Management and Finance (Activity) and American Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, Capital Area Council of Federal Employees, No. 26 (Petitioner) and U.S. Department of Justice, Community Relations Service (Activity) and American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO (Petitioner)  
Citation #
01 FLRA 649
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 19, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Army and Air Force, Department of Defense, Division of Military Affairs, State of New York (Respondent) and Association of Civilian Technicians, New York Council (Complainant)
Citation #
01 FLRA 639
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 19, 1979
Case #
HTML Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C. (Respondent) and National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1631 (Complainant) 
Citation #
01 FLRA 629
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 19, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Social Security Administration, Dayton Office, Dayton, Ohio (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, AFL-CIO, Local 3448 (Complainant) 
Citation #
01 FLRA 612
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Southwest Region (Activity) and National Treasury Employees Union and National Treasury Employees, Union Chapter 91 (Complainants)
Citation #
01 FLRA 603
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Respondent) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 121 (AFL-CIO) (Complainant)  
Citation #
01 FLRA 588
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
HTML Department of Defense, United States Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local Union 2154, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  
Citation #
01 FLRA 579
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
HTML Social Security Administration, Tulsa District Office, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Respondent) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2387, AFL-CIO (Complainant)  
Citation #
01 FLRA 574
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
FLRC No. 78A-160
HTML U.S. Customs Service and Houston Region, U.S. Customs Service, A/SLMR No. 1135, FLRC No. 78A-160
Citation #
01 FLRA 570
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Jun. 15, 1979
Case #
HTML Defense Industrial Plant and Equipment Center, Memphis, Tennessee, Assistant Secretary Case No. 41-5904 (DR), FLRC No. 78A-185


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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.

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