FSIP Decisions

FSIP Introduction
The Federal Service Impasses Panel (the Panel) has seven Presidential appointees who serve on a part-time basis, one of whom serves as Chair. The Panel resolves impasses between Federal agencies and unions representing Federal employees arising from negotiations over conditions of employment under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute and the Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act. If bargaining between the parties, followed by mediation assistance, proves unsuccessful, the Panel has the authority to recommend procedures and to take whatever action it deems necessary to resolve the impasse. The Panel's staff also supports the Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel (FSIDP) in resolving impasses arising under the Foreign Service Act of 1980.

Displaying 121 - 130 of 1052
Case Number Issuance Date
Case Number
2016 FSIP 120
Issuance Date
PDF (852.37 KB)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission and National Treasury Employees 

Case Number
2016 FSIP 052
Issuance Date
PDF (937.7 KB)

Department of Defense, DOD Education Domestic Elementary, and Secondary Schools (DDESS), Fort Buchanan and Ramey Annex, Puerto Rico and Antilles Consolidated Education Association

Case Number
2016 FSIP 113
Issuance Date
PDF (841.98 KB)

Department of Health and Human Services and National Treasury Employees Union

Case Number
2015 FSIP 121
Issuance Date
PDF (3.18 MB)

Broadcasting Board of Governors, Washington, D.C. and Local 1812, AFGE, AFL-CIO

Case Number
2016 FSIP 084
Issuance Date
PDF (2.09 MB)

Department of the Navy, Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport, Newport, Rhode Island and Federal Union of Scientists and Engineers, Local R1-144, NAGE, SEIU

Case Number
2016 FSIP 087
Issuance Date
PDF (789.52 KB)

Department of Defense, Lansing Military Entrance Processing Station, Lansing, Michigan and Local 1658, American Federation of Government Employees

Case Number
2016 FSIP 056
Issuance Date
PDF (3.75 MB)

Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Emergency Response Division, Seattle, Washington, and Local 8A, ERD Chapter, International Federation of Professional and Technical Employees, AFL-CIO

Case Number
2016 FSIP 069
Issuance Date
PDF (742.64 KB)

Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, Falls Church, Virginia and Chapter 224, National Treasury Employees Union  

Case Number
2016 FSIP 048
Issuance Date
PDF (1.01 MB)

Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, Washington, D.C. and National Treasury Employees Union

Case Number
2016 FSIP 038
Issuance Date
PDF (611.9 KB)

Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Coburn Gore Port of Entry, Coburn Gore, Maine and National Treasury Employees Union