Authority Decisions

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Displaying 10021 - 10030 of 10404
Citation # Issuance # Issuance Date Case # Arbitrator
Citation #
04 FLRA 82
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 25, 1980
Case #
HTML Marine Corps, Marine Corps Logistics Base (Activity) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1482 (Union) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 77
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 25, 1980
Case #
HTML Association of Civilian Technicians, Inc., Pennsylvania State Council (Union) and Adjutant General, Department of Military Affairs, Pennsylvania (Agency)  
Citation #
04 FLRA 74
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 25, 1980
Case #
HTML Department of Defense, National Guard Bureau, Texas Adjutant General's Department, Austin, Texas and American Federation of Government Employees, Texas Air National Guard Council of Locals, Grand Prairie, Texas 
Citation #
04 FLRA 68
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Dec. 15, 1980
Case #
HTML National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 1363 (Union) and Headquarters, U.S. Army Garrison, Yongsan, Korea (Agency) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 66
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 22, 1980
Case #
HTML Defense Mapping Agency, Hydrographic/Topographic Center, Providence Field Office (Activity) and American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1884, AFL-CIO (Union) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 33
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 13, 1980
Case #
22-08989(CA), 22-08990(CA)
HTML Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing (Respondent) and Washington Plate Printers Union, Local No. 2, International Plate Printers, Die Stampers and Engravers Union of North America, AFL-CIO (Complainant) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 22
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 12, 1980
Case #
HTML Department of the Air Force, 35th Combat Support Group (TAC), George Air Force Base, California (Activity) and National Federation of Federal Employees, Local 977 (Labor Organization) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 18
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Mar. 24, 1982
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1931, AFL-CIO (Union) and Naval Weapons Station, Concord, California (Activity) 
Citation #
04 FLRA 15
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 12, 1980
Case #
HTML Hawaii Federal Employees Metal Trades Council, AFL-CIO (Union) and Department of the Navy, Navy Public Works Center, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Activity)  
Citation #
04 FLRA 8
Issuance #
Issuance Date
Aug. 12, 1980
Case #
HTML American Federation of Government Employees, Local 1331, AFL-CIO (Union) and Department of Agriculture, Science and Education Administration, Eastern Regional Research Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Activity) 


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The Authority adjudicates disputes arising under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, deciding cases concerning the negotiability of collective-bargaining-agreement proposals, appeals concerning unfair-labor practices and representation petitions, and exceptions to grievance-arbitration awards.

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