
U.S. Federal Labor Relations Authority

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Press Releases

Your one-stop shop for Federal Labor Relations Authority press releases and news.

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Displaying 26 - 50 of 219
Date Titlesort ascending
3/19/20 The FLRA Proposes an Addition to its Regulations Concerning Revoking Written Assignments for the Payment of Union Dues
PDF (107 KB)
4/29/20 The FLRA on YouTube
PDF (211 KB)
7/31/23 The FLRA Office of the General Counsel Announces Settlement of Significant Unfair Labor Practice Matters between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the American Federation of Government Employees’ National Veterans Affairs Council.
PDF (184 KB)
9/29/23 The FLRA Issues Proposed Rule Regarding In-Person Filing
12/04/23 The FLRA Issues Final Rule Regarding Revisions to its Privacy Act Regulations.
11/17/23 The FLRA Issues a Final Rule Regarding In-Person Filing with the Authority’s Office of Case Intake and Publication
2/15/24 The FLRA Issues a Final Rule Reflecting Certain Address and Phone Number Changes and Eliminating the Requirement That Parties File 4 Copies of Documents
2/24/14 The FLRA Invites Customer Input on Representation Issue
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2/04/10 The FLRA Improves Ability to Research Authority Decisions
PDF (21 KB)
3/09/10 The FLRA General Counsel Announces the Elimination of the Backlog of Deferred Complaint and Appeals Cases
PDF (18 KB)
9/26/23 The FLRA Finalizes Its Interim Final Rule That Allows Parties to Request Email Service of Documents Issued in Cases Before the Authority Members
2/13/14 The FLRA Announces President Obama's Nomination of Julia Akins Clark to Serve Second Term as General Counsel
PDF (85 KB)
12/13/21 The FLRA Announces New Appointments to the Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel
PDF (218 KB)
2/14/20 The FLRA Announces New Appointment to the Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel
PDF (100 KB)
3/01/10 The FLRA Announces March Arbitration Focus Groups In Its Chicago and San Francisco Regions
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12/21/12 The FLRA Announces Key Nominations by President Barack Obama
PDF (102 KB)
1/25/10 The FLRA Announces Focus Groups As Part of Review and Revision of Its Arbitration Regulations
PDF (16 KB)
12/10/10 The FLRA Announces Appointments to the Foreign Service Impasses Disputes Panel
PDF (81 KB)
11/12/13 The FLRA Announces Appointments of Chairman Carol Waller Pope Member Ernest DuBester and Member Patrick Pizzella
PDF (105 KB)
9/27/21 The FLRA and OPM announce a Joint Virtual Presentation on Executive Order 14003, Protecting the Federal Workforce, and Bargaining over Matters under 7106(b)(1) of the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute
PDF (45 KB)
8/04/22 The FLRA and its Recognized Union of Authority Employees Reestablish Internal Labor-Management Forum
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7/09/20 The FLRA Adopts an Addition to Its Regulations Concerning Revoking Written Assignments for the Payment of Union Dues
PDF (37 KB)
1/03/23 Susan Tsui Grundmann Designated FLRA Chairman
PDF (196 KB)
5/22/09 Statutory Training
5/03/19 President Trump Reappoints Members to the Federal Services Impasses Panel
